Is Heaven Really for Real? – The Book




Where do you stand in the Christian vs. Atheist world-view debate? Do you believe in Heaven? Angels? Life after death? How do you rationalize those unbelievable “coincidences?” Take a walk with Jerry Nelson as he shares some real-life experiences from his personal journals of angel encounters, uncanny connections, and outright mind-blowing miracles. The statistical improbability tends to force the question, “Is there a Higher Power?” If you believe these miracle stories, then it begins to project God not as an impersonal cosmic figure, but a very real, Relational God desiring relationship with the creatures of His creation.

Some of these captivating stories are life-death scenarios. Others, even though less spectacular, are even more statistically improbable. Throughout the book, skeptics and Atheists are encouraged to actively challenge the writer’s Christian view by playing the role of “Devil’s Advocate.”

To accompany the inspirational stories, this book includes sound apologetics and proof of Biblical accuracy. This leads to a domino chain of Christian beliefs which the author believes are virtually impossible to refute.

This book encourages ALL readers to examine their beliefs with tenacity, thoughtful prayer and sound research; arrive at a meaningful answer to the question…Is Heaven Really for Real?

Additional information

Weight 0.5625 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 × .4 in