Concert Booking Information


Might our church be too small for a concert?

Not likely. When travel is involved, the additional expense typically calls for larger churches. However, once an anchor church or two are established for a week-end, other evenings can be utilized for smaller church concerts, especially if promoted properly. A “Symphony of Praise” event calls for a venue seating 300 or more. Combining smaller churches in a mass choir can make “Symphony of Praise” an excellent alternative.


What’s the difference between a “Concert” and a “Worship Service?”

A Concert is typically 60 to 90 minutes or more in length and may occur in the morning or evening. For morning worship services, Jerry’s portion may consume the entire service time having piano solos interspersed with sharing. At other times is involvement may be shorter, especially if integrated with a pastor’s sermon. A Worship Service also tends to be more audience-interactive with congregational singing. Both Concert and Worship Service involve piano solos though the repertoire of the Worship Service would be more focused toward worship.


What is “Symphony of Praise?”

It is like a concert but with two or three differences.

It makes use of local musicians or combined choirs, orchestra (optional), and possibly local pianist(s). These arrangements incorporate Jerry’s piano solos along with the local musicians.”Symphony of Praise” is typically an evening event, and sometimes formal (in tuxes).Unlike the typical concert, it could also be ticketed.Finally, “Symphony of Praise” is often used as an outreach tool, calling for more touches of Classical, Pop, Broadway selections in order to engage the unchurched audience.


How can a concert or worship service be successfully promoted?

Start promoting early! Use your Sunday bulletin. Don’t overlook your Website. Use the advertising sign in front of church. But we also get involved in the process in several ways.

Six weeks prior to concert, we send out a Bio Sketch of Jerry along with electronic photos to incorporate in bulletin or advertising pieces.About a month in advance, we provide posters, large and small, for advertising in the church or other churches, restaurants, etc.A month in advance, we also send a DVD of short Promo “spots” for use in services leading up to the concert. Make good use of these spots in promoting the upcoming event.


What are some “Special Events” where Jerry might appear for a concert?

Seasonal concerts such as Palm Sunday, Easter, Christmas, 4th of July / A Sweetheart Pops or jazz dinner / Prime-Timers events / Cruises.


Where, geographically, do you go for concerts?

Jerry has played on all continents so anywhere in the world is a possibility. Obviously the greater the distance, the more we must rely on a greater number of concerts to meet expenses. Within the United States and Canada, grouping 2, 3, or 4 concerts in an area is the pattern. “Bookend” week-ends with two or three events in between is also common.


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